New Webinar!

Beyond Borders: Crafting Fashion to Meet Global Export Standards

Join us on July 29th, 2024, from 10:15am-11:30am EST on Zoom!

About the Webinar

After joining this webinar led by Shingai Nyagweta, a seasoned fashion industry specialist, with expertise in exporting, you will walk away with greater insights into:

  1. Mastering presentation of your brand.
  2. Working effectively with showrooms and agents.
  3. Perfecting garment details.
  4. Improving packaging and imagery.
  5. Key strategies for navigating international standards.

You will also have the opportunity to join us in a 15-minute breakout session to discuss the topics of the webinar with your peers!

Who is Shingai Nyagweta?

During a 16-year career in the design industry, Shingai has worked with emerging brands from Africa, Europe, and America to help them plan, strategize, research, design, manufacture, and launch across various product categories. By monitoring progress, resolving issues, and managing stakeholders, Shingai ensures that products meet international standards and are ready for the global market.

Shingai serves as an experienced apparel designer and brand builder, specializing in empowering “fashionpreneurs” and driving successful export businesses.